google search adverteren

Search Advertising

Search engine advertising (SEA) involves paid advertising in search engines such as Google and Bing. In short, the advertiser ensures that his or her ads are visible in the search results of search engines. This leads to more website visits and ultimately to more sales. SEA is therefore the basis of online marketing. Do you also want better results from your Google Ads campaigns? As the best online marketing agency in the Netherlands (source: Emerce 100) you have come to the right place.

Search advertising: Google Ads

Google is by far the largest search engine in the world. As a result, within the field of search advertising Google has the greatest reach. The search advertising platform of Google is better known as Google Ads. For many advertisers, Google Ads is an important part of their entire online marketing strategy. Due to increasing competition within Google Ads, choosing the right search advertising strategy has become very important. It allows us to cut costs and increase the performance and efficiency of the advertising campaigns.

Google Ads possibilities

Google Ads has multiple networks where you can advertise: the Search Network (searching on Google and its search partners), Google Shopping, YouTube and the Display Network. Experience shows that pull marketing is more suitable for increasing conversion, while push marketing is more effective at branding. Suppose you have a webshop where you wish to fully focus on increasing the turnover and the number of orders. It is then important to implement a strategy where first pull marketing is fully utilized and only afterwards is push marketing being used. This means that at first we fully focus on the Search Network of Google Ads and Google Shopping (pull marketing) and afterwards use the Google Display Network (push marketing).

google search adverteren
zoek advertenties resulltaten

Have you thought about how you can make a difference with Google Shopping compared to your competitors?

The range of products and competitors in Google Shopping is increasing. For specific terms (where the consumer already knows which product he/she wants to order) you want to be more visible than for generic terms with generally a lower conversion rate and a lot of volume. AdResults can help you with a unique Google Shopping set-up, where you have much more control and can ultimately achieve more volume. We achieve the highest possible display rate on highly profitable terms, so that you can get as much volume out of your Google Shopping campaigns as possible. It is also possible to make use of a comparison shopping service (CSS). Through a CSS service like  Bigshopper  you can advertise 20% cheaper in Google Shopping. Traffic from Bigshopper is free of charge.

werken in online marketing

Google Ads Example

A large webshop called 3DTV BV sells 3D televisions and uses Google Ads as an online marketing advertising channel. The webshop wants to be at the top and sets a maximum click price (maximum CPC, cost per click) of 1 euro per click. A competitor, TV2020 sells the same 3D TV’s and sets a maximum click price of 50 cents. TV2020 has fully optimized its Google Ads campaigns, 3DTV has not applied any optimizations and has not thought about a strategy.

Soon it turns out that the CTR of 3DTV is only 1 percent and of TV2020 5 percent. With 100 advertisements, this means that Google was able to charge one click for 3DTV and five clicks for TV2020. Suppose Google charges the maximum CPC (this is usually not the case), Google would earn one euro for 3DTV and 2.50 euro for TV2020, despite the fact that TV2020 has set a lower maximum click price. TV2020 does not only generate more money for Google, the advertisements of TV2020 are also much more relevant for consumers. This has a positive influence on the quality score and TV2020 will therefore pay less for better positions.

This example shows that a good strategy, in which we think carefully about the structure of the Google Ads account in advance and manage it accordingly, ultimately results in campaigns with more return.

Which way do you want to grow with your business? Come along for a good conversation. We like to think along with you.

Marcel Wiersma
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